I am Jolien and proud mummy of Romain.
My husband and I love to travel, go for a walk, have brunch, go shopping, visit family, and meet up with friends. Although we have an active lifestyle, we also create moments to unwind. Our home is our favourite cocoon where you can occasionally find us lounging on the sofa.
Wondering how NONOMO brings peace to the hustle and bustle and how we use this baby hammock in our daily lives? Read our story below.
With love,
38 weeks pregnant
38 weeks pregnant and finally, the package I had been looking forward to for days had arrived... Our baby hammock! Although Jan had asked me to wait until he was home from work to unpack everything, I couldn't contain my curiosity and immediately started opening the box.
First, I set up the tipi stand. Despite its size and weight, this went surprisingly smoothly. With the right instructions, our NONOMO was all set in 15 minutes. There it was: the showpiece of our living room.
I pay a lot of attention to our interior. You will only find neutral colours in our home to create peace and harmony. We therefore chose the baby hammock in the colour 'almond' and tipi stand and motor in white. As a result, everything blends in with our interior.
Longingly we were counting down the days, the last two weeks...
Welcome Romain
Just 8 days after my first and last blogpost our biggest joy finally arrived. On 10 March at 18:36 we could take Romain Jules Waelkens into our arms. The first days I was being overwhelmed by my emotions. The baby blues were kicking in.
Once home we quickly found out that Romain was very uncomfortable. He cried all day, but we didn’t know why. When Romain was two weeks old, we decided to put him in the hammock for the first time. Even then he started to cry. Until I put the hammock in motion... Suddenly he became very calm because of the movement the hammock made and after a few seconds he fell asleep.
Jan and I couldn’t believe it. Day after day, when Romain became restless, we put him in the NONOMO. I can’t express how surpised we were. The first times we were walking around with Romain in our arms, compeltely exhausted, while his hammock could take over this task from us.

This way Jan and I could take a break from the many crying spells and the built-up fatigue. Thanks to NONOMO we could again enjoy those moments when Romain was in our arms, which we forgot to do those first day because of the intensity that parenthood entails.
Love, Jolien
Our wedding in Italy!
Finally the moment we had been waiting for for so long had arrived: our wedding in Italy! With a mix of excitement and nervousness we started packing, not only for ourselves but for the first time for Romain as well. We soon asked ourselves: “Will we take his hammock with us?”. We agreed unanimously: Yes! NONOMO has taken an indispensable place in our daily lives and since we were travelling by car we could easily take the hammock and tipi with us.
During our wedding weekend Romain was crying a little more, probably because he could sense our (healthy) tension and missed the familiarity of home. During those moments we were so glad that we had taken the hammock with us! During busy moment, like the welcome reception on Friday and the wedding day on Saturday, we could give our little one the necessary rest by putting him in his trusted hammock.
NONOMO again proved to be his safe little cocoon where he could relax completely.
NONOMO helped transition to childcare and working from home
Romain is now 6 months old. It's almost unbelievable how fast time has gone by. With this milestone also came a big change: Romain began his adventure in childcare last week.
Oh, what a difficult step it was for us as parents. From being together 24/7 for 6 months to suddenly having to leave him behind for an entire day, 3 days a week.
Fortunately, there is something that helped us make this transition easier and assisted us through the challenges of parenthood: the NONOMO baby hammock. Six months later, this hammock is still hanging in our living room and is still used daily.
When Romain comes home from daycare, he is often exhausted after a day full of adventures with other kids. It is then so nice to see him relaxing in his familiar cocoon and taking a nap in his hammock.
But the NONOMO hammock isn't just a lifesaver for naps. I have also returned to work in full force. And here, too, NONOMO has helped me out. I put Romain in it not only for his naps but also sometimes to play quietly. I give him a book or a small toy, and he can easily entertain himself in the hammock for half an hour while I can quietly work on my tasks. It gives me space to get my work done while knowing Romain is safe and comfortable.
Love, Jolien