Congratulations! You’re reading this so we’re guessing you’re about to welcome a brand new baby. Or maybe your bundle of joy has already arrived and you’re busy getting acquainted with this special little person, finding out what makes them tick and what makes them happy. You probably already know just how important good sleep is for your newborn. And you, too! So here’s a lucky seven collection of hints and tips to help you all sleep better.
Secret 1: All babies are different.
Naturally enough, all new parents look for a newborn norm to check against, just to reassure themselves they’re doing it right. But babies haven’t read the manuals. They insist on being unique little individuals. Some will sleep longer than others, even all through the night almost from the get go. Others seem to wake up on the hour, every hour. Just try and relax and go with the flow.
Secret 2: Babies need LOTS of sleep. But not all in one go.
Newborns need anything from 8-18 hours sleep a day It’s when little brains process all those new and amazing experiences and little bodies stretch and grow. But unlike grown ups, they don’t do it all in one go. They need to wake up every 2 hours or so to feed, because of their tiny stomachs. And to make up for the loss in body weight that happens as soon as they pop into the world.
Nor do they always sleep when you would usually sleep. But once you get into a routine, you’ll find it easy to fit in with them and use nap time as me-time or zee-time for yourself.
Secret 3: Save your newly decorated nursery
What a brilliant parent you are. You’ve lavished love on your baby’s special room. It’s got bunting and bunnies and nightlights. But it might be better to save it for later. Experts say that the best place for a newborn to sleep is in the same room as you. But (emphatically) not in the same bed. Same room sleeping means you don’t have to go anywhere to do your sleep checks – baby’s right there. Plus, night time feeds are less disruptive. All you have to do is roll over. Or nudge your partner!
Give your baby their own crib or sleep space free of toys, pillows and blankets and always lay them down on their back.
Swaddles are great for soothing little babies to Dreamland. They give newborns the same sense of snug security they might miss once they’ve left the womb. Plus they also prevent the Moro reflex that can startle a baby awake. Every little trick helps!

Secret 4: Make the most of nap times
Most babies will nap all through the day. Around 2 hours is a good time to leave them sleeping while you live life a little. Or sleep!
Now here’s an amazing fact. Scientific research has shown a direct link between carrying and calming babies. And rocking has the same magic soothing effect, whether done by you or by a swinging hammock like NONOMO, perfect for keeping your newborn close, anywhere you are.
Secret 5: Teach your newborn night and day
Babies have no body clock. It takes a few months for the right hormone, melatonin, to kick in. The one that’s released at night to help us big people get to sleep. Meanwhile, use dark curtains or blackout blinds to make sure your little one’s room is dark at bedtimes and they learn to associate nighttime with sleep. Sometimes things have to happen quickly, because your baby is always a priority – especially in its own room!
Here it's about sleeping, changing diapers and togetherness. Set up a changing table and have everything ready, because changing nappies can sometimes be a challenge. Find space for a baby cot and a night light, which will make it easy for you to find your way in the night when your baby needs you!
Secret 6: Babies love routines
However free and easy you live your life, your newborn will sleep better if you give them a regular bedtime routine. They’ll soon learn that being bathed, popped into a clean nappy and sleeping bag and listening to a lullaby mean that sleepy time comes straight after.
And if all that fails, you could try white noise. It’s easy to forget that your baby was surrounded by sound in the womb – from momma’s heartbeat and blood moving around – so a silent night can be a bit scary. It’s well worth investing in an app or machine to recreate that soothing backwash. It also cancels out other household noises that could disturb their sleep.
Secret 7: Wake times matter as much as sleep times
You might think that keeping your newborn awake before for longer before bedtime, the more tired they’ll be and the longer they will sleep. Not true!
An overtired (or undertired) baby doesn’t sleep as well. It might take a little trial and error to work out the timing schedule that suits your own little one, but it’s worth persevering. Don’t forget that wake time includes feeding time. A newborn still learning to eat efficiently might take 30 minutes to finish and that’s them done. It’s not unusual for them to wake up, eat, have their nappy changed, give you a gurgle and go straight back to sleep.
Always make sure you allow them the time they need to fully fill up. Food is soothing. They might even fall asleep during a feed. Try and keep them awake until you’re sure they’ve had enough. Most babies will nap all through the day. Around 2 hours is a good time to leave them sleeping while you live life a little. Or sleep!
Happy sleeping!
Let’s go back to where we started. All babies are different, and a huge part of the joy of parenting is getting to know yours. You’ll quickly become a fully qualified sleep expert, learning to read their little signs and signals and knowing exactly what works and what doesn’t. And remember, the magic day will soon arrive when your baby ‘sleeps through’ for the very first time. It’ll be here before you know it.