Our expert for breastfeeding and baby carrying, Anna R., mother of three, has collected your views and strategies.

Since children are often generously presented with gifts by relatives and friends at Christmas, we wanted to know your opinion. What do you think about the flood of gifts and what are your best tricks for managing the topic?

Our expert for breastfeeding and baby carrying, Anna Recklies, mother of three, has collected your views and strategies.

Gifs beling to christmas

The annual pre-Christmas mood is spreading and most people are wondering what they would like to give away. That's why we've asked you how you feel about gifts at Christmas.
Most of you are in favour of prior arrangements. Grandparents and family members should not give the children gifts that are then just sitting in the corner. The good old wish list is being used and the idea of getting together for bigger gifts. Following the motto "class instead of mass" is highlighted in many of your comments. In addition most expressed themselves for less is more and that the gift flood should hold itself within limits. The main point of your comments was clear: the most beautiful thing is still the family and the get-together. The majority like it when the focus is not on the gifts - the mood and the family is more important.

But quite a few also spoke out in favour of gifts being part of the Christmas celebrations and many gifts being beautiful. This makes Christmas something very special, particularly for children.

Everything in size

The 1-gift-per-child-rule is apparently very popular. Whether it is then a larger gift from all family members, or also only one attention or even one gift per child from everyone (which can lead to a considerable gift pile depending upon family size) is a matter of interpretation. One variation is the 1-package-per-child rule. One grandmother told us that she was simply packing several things into one package, as she likes to give gifts to her grandchildren so much. We all enjoy it when the children's eyes shine while the little ones unpack their presents and. Only the children's rooms swell so easily over... And who cleans up in the end?

Many comments testified that Christmas gifts may be particularly valuable and large. But there is also the opinion that the gifts should be rather small. Some work with a given budget. If there is anything left, there is a piggy bank or a bank account. Also important things like shoes and clothes belong on the wish lists.

Time instead of stuff

Creative and gift paper-saving is the idea to give "time instead of stuff". Season tickets for the zoo, admission to the theatre or tickets for theme parks, indoor playgrounds and other activities. This not only strengthens the relationship between the donor and the recipient, but at best the parents also benefit from a little relief.
We particularly liked the following idea:

"We are usually drowning in gifts, but our kids know that before Christmas and birthdays (both close to Christmas) old toys have to be sorted out and given away to children who don't get anything. This has become a tradition and is fun for them. Throughout the year things are collected and then given away in several places. [...] The motto is, for example, Barbie, doll, paw patrol, little ponies... So that things really fit together and not 10 different boxes standing around."

We thank you for your ideas, inspirations and insights. Next time: How do you deal with Christmas stress in the family?