Jana from @jbrunning_ tells us how she found her way back to sports after birth and how NONOMO® helped her to do so.

For me, sport is a part in my life. I've always liked to move, dueling as a child in football or later competing with others in competitions. I love getting the best out of myself. And so I was looking forward to the day when I could "finally" do sports again.
Many have told me that it is almost impossible to find time for sports with two such small children. Mathilda just turned 2 years old and Greta is now 3 months old. This statement did not deter me, because already with child number 1 I was made crazy in this connection.
For me it's all a question of wanting. You don't have to find time, you have to take your time. It may sound a bit selfish at first glance, but it's not because I do sports when my children sleep. The first days we had a lot of time to get to know each other, to cuddle and to get used to the new situation. Greta was at home with us from day 1 and right in the middle of it. It was as if she had always been there and yet we took a lot of time to prepare Mathilda for her role as big sister. Just to let her arrive in the role.
Sport after birth
After about 3 weeks of sniffing, cuddling and enjoying I slowly started with the first regression exercises. Now 14 weeks have passed, and the workouts are getting crunchier again. While I'm training, Greta usually slumbers calmly in the NONOMO® , so I'm really lucky.

What does such a "mommy workout" look like?
I have learned in the last days and weeks that every small unit counts, no matter how long it is at the end. I've learned that sometimes half an hour is enough to get a lot of muscle soreness. Meanwhile I can train almost without restrictions again and only delete exercises that are aimed at the straight abdominal muscles or exercises that put too much strain on the pelvic floor from my training.
I like HIIT workouts, for example. You don't need a lot of time and you can really power yourself up. What such a workout looks like for me you can see on the picture.

If you are looking for more inspirations from our life as a sporty family, I would be very happy if you would follow me on Instagram. Have a look at it.
All the best,
you Jana | jbrunning_